Snapper Rocks Surfriders Club - Lorraine Bryant

“As the Contest Director for Snapper Rocks Surfriders Club and having been in this role for many years, I can strongly recommend the SurfComp App and the company to all boardriding clubs.
“We have been using the Surfcomp app for about 12 months now. The app is great for running contests and we also use it for payment of membership fees and club uniform purchase and payment.
“Darren and Greg provide fantastic support with the app, Darren attended the first and second club contests we ran and helped me run the contest teaching me how to use the app.
“I have called Darren many times early on a Sunday morning and Darren always takes my call and helps me to fix any errors I may have made, when I was first learning to use the app. He even watches the club comp and will call to offer tips to make it easier for running the event.
Running contests is so much easier now with everyone entering before the day of the event. I have time now to do other tasks and to actually interact with the kids on the day instead of assessing all day.
“The features the app provides are very useful such as not showing the final results until I choose to publish them so we can have our presentation and announce the results before everyone sees them.
“You can choose manual or automatic progression which is really helpful as we sometimes have five person heats you can even switch to automatic progression half way through the day it is super flexible.
“The app has so many useful features such as keeping the ratings and updating the laeaderboard automatically after each contest and all the events and results are help in the App.
“On the membership side Darren and Greg went to great lengths to provide the club with all our different membership types we requested, as we have family membership and many different divisions and we really wanted people to be able to have the choice of purchasing hats, shirts etc with sizes also, which Surfcomp delivered for us.
“The flexibility that the app allows for is amazing, we can add surfers, move heats, add heats, and so much more all from a mobile phone on the beach. All of these features are so key to be able to do quickly and on the fly. The ease of use and flexibility of the app is great.
“We ran an interclub comp for the Quiksilver trials and we used WSL judges one of whom was Glen Elliot and he really liked the interface for the judging.
“I would recommend this app to anyone and everyone the support I have received from Darren and Greg is amazing and to me is one of the most important things as when you are running events you need to be able to solve problems immediately to keep the event running smoothly.”
Lorraine Bryant
SRSC Treasurer
Blackrocks Boardriders Club
“Black Boardriders is one of the largest boardriders club in Australia. The Club is run by the members which includes experienced surf competition organisers and professional judges.
“We have been using Surfcomp for nearly 2 years now and we love it and would definitely recommend it to any boardriders club looking for an app, not just for the live scores but to help run the whole club, including the leaderboard.
“The guys at Surfcomp have been fantastic to work with and have incorporated a number of our requested enhancements into new releases of their app.
“The whole app is so easy to use and very flexibility and every time they release an update, its even easier.
“We have so many surfers in our club so having the double bank capability is essential and it works great allowing us to finish the whole comp in one day.
“The guys at Surfcomp have told me the Android version is coming out in less than 4 weeks so our members without iPhones are going to be stoked.
“Surfcomp is a key part of our club and we would be lost without it.”
Rich Muir
Contest Director

North Narrabeen Surfer

Stoked Grom's Mum